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The required procedures to register foreign factory to export to Egypt , Decree No 43 for 2016
Subject: report on the required procedures to register foreign factory in the factories' registry established at the General Organization for E ...
The required procedures to register foreign factory to export to Egypt , Decree No 43 for 2016
Subject: report on the required procedures to register foreign factory in the factories' registry established at the General Organization for Export and Import Control according to the Ministerial decree No. 43 for 2016 issued by the Minister of Trade & Industry. The Egyptian Government decided in Decree No 43 for 2016 that unregistered companies will not be allowed to export their products to Egyptian market. Regarding Ministerial decree No. 43 for 2016, the required documents to register your company in Egypt are the following: ❖ The Required Documents 1-Introducing the registration form by the legal representative of the factory or /the Trade Mark owner or/the authorized person. 2- Authorization from the legal representative of the factory to carry out the registration procedures in the following form "I delegated/authorized……, being the Factory Manager/Legal Representative, …………Attorneys, collectively or individually, to register the factory in the registry of the qualified factories to export products to the Arab Republic of Egypt and that before the General Organization for Export and Import Control and all the governmental and non-governmental bodies and to undertake all the necessary measures for that". 3- Copy of the issued license of the factory. 4- A certificate of the legal status, and a list of factory’s product. 5- A certificate of the product’s Trade Mark and the Trade Marks produced according to a license from the owner him-self. 6- A certificate to prove that the factory has the Quality Control System meets the environment criteria and meets the measures of the International Work Organization and the international treaty related to this issue. This certificate must be issued from a recognized body of the International Union of Accreditation (ILAC) or/from an Egyptian or Foreign Governmental body approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade. Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: 7- Report of the factories using the Trade Mark in case of introducing the form by the Trade Mark Owner. 8- Endorsement from the factory with the acceptance of inspection of the technical team to be sure that the factory meets the measures of environment and work safety, and to be able to verify of that. ➢ Note: All the aforementioned documents should be certified by the Chamber of Commerce or its substitute in the country of the factory, to be approved then by the Egyptian Embassy abroad, besides being authenticated by any of the Foreign Affairs offices in the Arab Republic of Egypt. ❖ The Required Procedures 1- A photocopy of the abovementioned documents should be sent, before being certified & authenticated, to the General Organization for Export and Import Control’s site “”, in order to be reviewed by specialists from the Organization to assure its validity, respond regarding its approval or the request of any additions or, modifications or further documents prior submitting the original copy. 2- Submission of the registration form attached with the above-mentioned documents to the General Organization for Export and Import Control. 3- The competent authority at the General Organization for Export and Import Control sends all the submitted forms to the Minister of Trade and Industry’s office to approve them. In case of approving the registration form, accordingly, a decree will be issued regarding registering the factory in the registry. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Got your back Best Regards, Dr. Ahmed Said Founder & Managing Partner L.C.C Law Firm
The required documents to establish Limited Liability Company ( L.L.C) in Egypt
Subject: report about the required documents to establish Limited Liability Company ( L.L.C) in Egypt: First :The Required Documents 1- Statement l ...
The required documents to establish Limited Liability Company ( L.L.C) in Egypt
Subject: report about the required documents to establish Limited Liability Company ( L.L.C) in Egypt: First :The Required Documents 1- Statement letter Introducing establishment form by the legal representative of the foreign company. 2- Power of attorney (as attached copy) by Chairman of all foreign companies that will be shareholder of the new Egyptian L.L.C . Or only POA by the individuals who will be the Shareholders. 3- The original establishment of the foreign company (company Contract with The Shareholder percentage agreement). (The Shareholder of Egyptian L.L.C). Or only copy of the passports of the individuals who will be the shareholder. 4- The original of the commercial registry of the foreign company. (The Shareholder of Egyptian L.L.C). 5- Copy of passport of All shareholder own the foreign company. (The Shareholder of Egyptian L.L.C). Second: The Required period for this mission: 7 working days. Third: the government fees will by upon the new LLC capital also its activities, because some investment activities has more incentives as discount on the government fees. Note: All the required documents should translate to Arabic and be certified by the Chamber of Commerce or its substitute in the country of the Shareholder, to be approved then by the Egyptian Embassy abroad. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Got your back Best Regards, Dr. Ahmed Said Founder & Managing Partner L.C.C Law Firm
the required documents to establish Branch of foreign company in Egypt:
Subject: report on the required documents to establish Branch of foreign company in Egypt:
...the required documents to establish Branch of foreign company in Egypt:
Subject: report on the required documents to establish Branch of foreign company in Egypt:
- The Required Documents
- Statement letter Introducing establishment form by the legal representative of the foreign company.
- Power of attorney as attached signed by the foreign company Chairman.
- Copy of the original establishment of the foreign company.
- All license and certificates of the legal status of the foreign company.
- Copy of the commercial registry of the foreign company.
- Copy of passport of All shareholder own the foreign company.
- Note:
All the aforementioned documents should be certified by the Chamber of Commerce or its substitute in the country of the factory, to be approved then by the Egyptian Embassy abroad, besides being authenticated by any of the Foreign Affairs offices in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Got your back
Best Regards,
Dr. Ahmed Said
Founder & Managing Partner
L.C.C Law Firm
The difference between (Agency contract & distribution contract) according Egyptian law.
Subject: Legal Report about the difference between (Agency contract & distribution contract) according Egyptian law. Section One : the Parties& ...
The difference between (Agency contract & distribution contract) according Egyptian law.
Subject: Legal Report about the difference between (Agency contract & distribution contract) according Egyptian law. Section One : the Parties' obligations First: The Commercial Agency Contract The Egyptian legislator set several obligations for the Parties of both the Commercial Agency Contract and the distribution Contract, as follows: Article 151 of Trade Law no. 17 of 1999 states that: 1-“The Agent shall follow the instructions of the Principal, if the Agent contravenes them without acceptable justification, the Principal may refuse the deal.” 2-“If no instructions are given by the Principal concerning the deal, the Agent shall delay its conclusion and ask for the instructions from the Principal, unless delaying the deal will cause harm to the Principal, or if the Agent was delegated to work without instructions from the Principal.” Furthermore, Article 158 of Trade Law no. 17 of 1999 states that: 1- “The Agent shall notify the Principal of the deals he concludes for his account.” 2- “The Agent shall submit to the Principal, at the time agreed upon between them or according to trade practices or previous dealings between them, an account of the works that have been concluded for his account. This account shall conform to truth. If it comprises premeditatedly untrue or incorrect data, the Principal may refuse the deals connected with these data, in addition to his right to claim compensation. The Agent shall not receive a pay for these transactions.” Meanwhile, Article 186 of Trade Law no. 17 of 1999 states that: “The Agent shall maintain the rights of the Principal, and to take all protective measures necessary to preserve these rights, and shall provide his principal with the data and information concerning the status of the market in the area of his activities.” As per the abovementioned articles, the Egyptian legislature imposed on the Agent full compliance with the instructions of the Principal, in the exercise of his work, and that the Agent must abide by the selling prices determined by the Principle as well as the methods of advertising and marketing, Moreover, the Agent must provide and upon the principle’s request a report on the state of the market. Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: Note: These Articles are considered supplementary rules, not mandatory one, whereby the contracting parties may agree on what is contrary to it. Second : The Distribution Contract With regards to the Distribution contract, being classified as a form of the selling and supplying contracts, the Egyptian Legislature did not state any special legislations in this regards, as the relation between the distributor and the principle, is practically limited to an agreed deal to sell or distribute limited quantity of predefined products . Consequently, In the distribution contracts, the distributor does not represent the principle in their legal relationship with third parties, the distributer is restricted to resell and distribute the products in exchange for a profit that may be predetermined and may not be specified ”. Article 103 of Trade Law no. 17 of 1999 states that: “Parties may agree on forcing the buyer not to reduce the price below a specified limit in the resale process, if the sold item is a commodity protected by a registered trademark distinguishing it. The court may issue a ruling invalidating, if the product is a commodity necessary for popular consumption”. In accordance with the abovementioned provision, the distributor is considered a purchaser of the principle’s products, and the latter has the right to oblige the distributor not to reduce a certain price at the resale. The contract remains the only standard regulating for the legal relationship between the Principal and the distributor. Note: These Articles are considered supplementary rules, not mandatory one, whereby the contracting parties may agree on what is contrary to it. Section two : Exclusivity (non-competition) First : The Commercial Agency Contract The Exclusivity is one of the most important issues to which commercial agents are concerned, the Agent always seek to obtain an exclusive right to represent the Principles within a certain geographical area without any competition from others Agents. Therefore, commercial agents always try to establish a condition in the Commercial Agency Contract that obliges the Principle not to appoint any other competitive agent in the same territory. Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: Therefore, the Egyptian legislator organized the exclusivity in the commercial agency contracts, as follow: Article 179 of Trade Law no. 17 of 1999 which states that: “The principal shall not have to recourse to more than one agent in the same area and for the same branch of activity. and the agent shall not represent more than one Principle exercising the same activity in the same area, unless otherwise agreed explicitly by the two parties.” Thus, the Egyptian legislator granted the contracting Parties the freedom to agree on the exclusive condition of the agency. However, if the contract does not state any clause regarding the exclusivity in the contract, thus the exclusivity is abolished. Note: These Articles are considered supplementary rules, not mandatory rules, whereby the contracting parties may agree on what is contrary to it. Second : The Distribution Contract Accordingly, and with regard to the abovementioned, distributors and agents always seek to obtain the exclusive rights of the Principle to deprive others of their competition with the same products. And also, the Principle is keen on exclusivity to prevent the agent or distributor from selling and marketing any products competing for his products. However, according to the legal nature of the contract of distribution of products as a sale contract or Contract of Supply The Egyptian legislator did not state a specific rule with regard to the exclusivity, except in Article 188 of the Trade Law No. 17 of 1999, which states: “No agreement shall be made on preventing the supply demanding party from contracting with other than the supplier on the purchase of goods or services subject of the contract, except for a period not exceeding five years from the date of the contract, whatever the privileges the supplier shall determine for the demanding party. All agreement on a longer period shall not be renewed except after its expiry, and it shall only be for once, and with express agreement.” This article specifies the inability of the principle to obligate the distributor to compete only for a period of five years only, and it is not permissible to agree on any period of more than five years, and if a condition is specified in the contract beyond that period, this condition is void. Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: Note: this Article is considered a mandatory rule, and any agreement contrary to this rule is absolutely null and void. Section 3: The minimum duration of the Contract Subsection 1: the Agency contract: According to the freedom of contracting concept , the contractual parties have the right to determine the duration of the contract , or even to conclude the contract as an indefinite one, however the Egyptian Legislature has legislated Article 181 of the Trade Law no. 17 of 1999, states that : “ If in the deed it is stipulated that the contract agent shall erect a building for display, stores for the commodities, or repair or maintenance installations, the term of the contract shall not be for less than five years.” Accordingly, and with regard to the abovementioned Article, the Egyptian Legislature has stipulated that the duration of the agency contract should be not less than 5 years, however the Parties may agree to classify the contract as an indefinite on as it is legally acceptable in such type of contracts. Note: this Article is considered as a mandatory rule, and any agreement contrary to this rule is absolutely null and void. Second: the Distribution contract: With regards to the Distribution contract, being classified as a form of the selling and supplying contracts, the Egyptian Legislature did not state any special legislations in this regards, as the relation between the distributor and the principle, is practically limited to an agreed deal to sell or distribute limited quantity of predefined products . Consequently, the legislature did not impose any legal restriction regarding the determination of the duration of the distribution contract, and the parties shall have the right to agree on any duration without being obliged with a minimum one. Section 4: Confidentiality First: the Agency contract: Whereas, the confidentiality is a priority in the commercial field, the agent and the principle are keen to agree on restrictions which govern the confidentiality of the Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: information in the contract, therefore the Egyptian Legislature has governed this issue by legislating Article 187 of Trade Law no. 17 of 1999, states that: “ The contract agent shall not disclose the secrets of the principal to which he will have access on the occasion of implementing the agency task, even if this takes place after the end of the contractual relation”. In such context, the Egyptian Legislature was only assuring on the concept of not disclosing the principle‘s confidential information, however, Article 187 did not state a limited period for such restriction, which means that this obligation is in perpetuity, on the other hand, the legislature did not legislate any Article which oblige the principle not to disclose its agent’s confidential information, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. Note: this Article is considered as a mandatory rule and any agreement contrary to this rule is absolutely null and void. Second: the Distribution contract: As we have mentioned before, that there is no special legislations which govern the Distribution contract, and it is governed by the general legal legislations, which govern the selling and supplying contracts as well, correspondingly the confidential information, which is disclosed in accordance with this contract is governed by the general restrictions of the Commercial Law. Furthermore, Article 66 of Trade law no. 17 of 1999 states that: 1) “All act contravening the customs and norms observed in commercial dealing, shall be considered an illegal competition. In that shall be included in particular, the encroachment on a third party’s trademarks, his commercial name, the letters patent, or his industrial secrets which he possesses the right to invest, and instigating the workers in his trading store to divulge his secrets, or quit working for him, and also all act or claim that results in causing confusion to the trading store or his products, or in weakening the confidence in its - owner or those in charge of its management, or in his products”. 2) All illegal competition shall force its perpetrator to compensate the harm ensuing there from. The court shall, in addition to the compensation, have the power to pronounce a ruling ordering the removal of the harm and the publication of a summary of the sentence at the expense of the judgment debtor in a daily newspaper”. Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: Accordingly, and with regards to the abovementioned Article, disclosing the commercial secrets is considered as an act of illegal competition which oblige it’s perpetrator to pay compensation to the damaged party. However, it is preferable if the principle and the agent agreed on detailed provisions to govern the Confidentiality of the distribution contract. Note: this Article is considered a mandatory rule, and any agreement contrary to this rule is absolutely null and void. Section Five: Compensation in case of termination of indefinite contract. First: The commercial Agency contract: Exception from the general rules that grant contractors the right to terminate indefinite contracts at any time so as not to turn those contracts into eternal contracts, the Egyptian legislator came by virtue contrary to the general rules and it is only for the indefinite commercial agency contract, where the legislator in Article 188 of Trade Law No. 17 of 1999 states that: “1- The contract agency deed shall be concluded in the common interest of the two parties. If the contract is for an indefinite period, the principal shall not end it without the occurrence of a fault by the agent, otherwise he shall compensate him for the harm caused to him as a result of such removal. All agreement to the contrary of that shall be null and void”. “2- The agent shall compensate the principal for the damage/harm caused to him if he relinquishes the agency at an unsuitable time and without an acceptable excuse”. Consequently, and with regard to the abovementioned, The legislator's desire to protect the commercial agent appears in the first paragraph of the previous article which stating that the principal is obliged to compensate the agent in the case of the principal terminate the indefinite contract and without any fault by the agent. Meanwhile, it is obvious that the Egyptian law obliges the principal not to terminate the agency contract as long as no fault has been established by the agent, otherwise the principal must compensate the agent. It is obvious from the second paragraph that the legislator considered the agent as the weakest party where the agent did not have to pay compensation in the case of terminating the indefinite agency contract, unless the termination was at an inappropriate time or without an acceptable excuse. The legislator did not require that the agent prove the fault of the principal until he exempts himself from the compensation as stated in the first paragraph, but only that there is an acceptable excuse for termination. Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: Note: this Article is considered a mandatory rule, and any agreement contrary to this rule is absolutely null and void. Second: Distribution contract: This contract is subject to the general legal rules governing the commercial sale contract and the supply contract, although the content of the sales, distribution and supply contracts is more closely related to the determination of the agreed quantities of the contract with clear delivery dates to be complied with, however the Egyptian legislator has addressed the idea of not determine the duration of the distribution contract of goods. Where the Article 116 of the Trade Law No. 17 of 1999 states that: “3- If no term for supply is agreed upon, either party may terminate the contract at any time providing he shall notify the other party of a suitable date therefore”. Therefore, the legislator did not stipulate conditions to be observed to terminate the indefinite distribution contract except the necessity to notify at an appropriate time. The legislator did not impose on the principal to prove the distributor's fault for his exemption from compensation, it shall be sufficient that no damage has been established as a result of termination of the contract. Note: This legal provision is considered a supplementary rule, not a mandatory one, whereby the contracting parties may agree on what is contrary to it. Section Six: Compensation in case of non-renewal of definite contract. First: The Commercial Agency Contract All legal systems emphasize the freedom to contract and not to be forced to contract. However, the Egyptian legislator has failed to impose the principle of non-coercion to contract, where he imposed the principal to renew the definite commercial agency contract at the end of its duration. Where the article 189 of the Trade Law No. 17 of 1999 states that: “1- If the contract is for a definite term, and the Principle decides not to renew it at the expiry of its term, the agent shall have the right to receive a compensation to be determined by the judge even if there is an agreement to the contrary”. “2- For such compensation to be payable, the following is stipulated: A- The agent shall not have committed a fault or deficiency in the course of executing the contract. Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: B- The activity of the agent shall have led to evident success in promoting the sales of the commodity or increasing the number of customers”. “3- In estimating the compensation due consideration shall be given to the harm and damage caused to the agent and the degree of the benefit accruing to the principal from the agent’s efforts in promoting the sales of the commodity and increasing of the customers”. Such stipulation constitutes an obligation on the principal to renew the agency contract upon the expiry of its term otherwise it shall indemnify the agent, not only for the damages that the agent may incur but also to compensate him for the lost opportunity resulted from the privation of his customers and for his efforts, which benefit the principal in the promotion of the products and increasing the number of customers. The only good thing in such stipulation is that the legislator stipulated for loose conditions to entitle the agent this compensation where the agent shall not be proved to be in default, as well as, the agent's efforts resulted in an apparent success in promoting the product and increasing the number of customers. In fact, the Egyptian legislator patronized such stipulation by considering the agent as the weak party in the contract and exaggerated in the agent’s protection by forcing the principal to renew the expired agency contract or to compensate the agent. In addition, the legislator rendered such stipulation as a mandatory rule that the parties may not violate or agree upon the contrary where the agreed upon condition violating such stipulation is considered void and the agent shall entitle a compensation on the nonrenewal of the terminated agency contract. Note: this Article is considered a mandatory rule, and any agreement contrary to this rule is absolutely null and void. Second: Distribution contract: This contract is subject to the general legal rules governing the commercial sale and supply contract. There is no legal provision in these rules that obligates the principal to renew the distributor's contract or to pay compensation in case of non-renewal. Section seven: The obligatory legal jurisdiction First: The commercial agency contract It is obvious now that the Egyptian legislature defines the principal as the weak party in agency contract so the legislature was keen to protect the principal. As an example in article 191 of Trade law no 17 of 1999 which states that : Main office: 81 Osman's building -Mustafa Elnahas St- Nasr city - Cairo - Egypt. Tel: +202 23828815 Mob: +2 01111157717 Email: “ In exception to the jurisdiction rules as prescribed in the procedure code, the court, within the circuit of which lies the location of implying the deed, shall be concerned with examining all disputes arising from the contracts agency deed” The legislature did that on purpose to make it easier for the agent to claim his rights before of the Local judge who is entitled in the same circuit of implementing the contract, and to not put the burden of claiming his rights before a foreign jurisdiction that will defiantly be the principal’s state law. Note 1: this Article is considered a mandatory rule, and any agreement contrary to this rule is absolutely null and void. Note 2: The contractual parties have the right to agree on arbitration clause as a method of settlement of dispute, any arbitration panel chosen by both parties whether it is inside or outside the Egyptian Territory according to the Egyptian Arbitration law no 27 for the year 1994. Second : Distribution contract This contract is subject to the General principles for the legal jurisdiction in the Egyptian law which is stated in article no 55 in the commercial and civil law procedures no 13 of 1986 as follows: “ In commercial matters, the jurisdiction shall be for the defendant’s court or the court which was the agreement executed totally or partially in its circuit.” According to this article claims arising out of the distribution contract may be subject to three courts; The defendant’s court, or the court which was the agreement totally or partially executed or the court which the agreement should be executed in its circuit. Note: These Articles are considered supplementary rules, not mandatory one, whereby the contracting parties may agree on what is contrary to it. For further information please do not hesitate to contact us
Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003
Regarding your questions about Egyptian Labor Law, please find the following answers: 1. Who, in the light of local regulations, may be an employer ...
Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003
Regarding your questions about Egyptian Labor Law, please find the following answers: 1. Who, in the light of local regulations, may be an employer, it is a branch or the Company in Poland? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No 1: The Employer is the branch in Egypt who will sign the Labor contract as the employer. 2. Is it possible to reserve the jurisdiction of Polish courts, if not for what reason? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No ٧١: The jurisdiction of the labor disputes must be into Egyptian National labor court. 3. What types of employment contracts are provided in the employment law in Egypt? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003: There are 3 Types of employment contracts as the following: a- Fixed-term Contracts. b- Indefinite-term contracts. c- contract to perform limited mission. 4. What are the regulations regarding fixed-term contracts, for what periods, how many contracts may be concluded for a fixed period and for which maximum period? What are the rules for terminating fixed-term? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 104:
A labor contract concluded with a definite period shall terminate, with the expiry of its period. If the contract is concluded for a period of more than five years, the worker may terminate it without indemnity upon the lapse of five years, after notifying the employer three months before its termination. The provisions I of the previous clause shall apply to cases of terminating the contract by the worker following expiry of the said period. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 105: Subject to the provisions of arƟcle (106) of the present Law, if the period of a labor contract concluded with a definite period expires and its two parties continue to execute It, It shall then be considered by them as renewal of the contract for an indefinite period. This provision shall not apply to labor contracts with aliens. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 106: If a labor contract concluded with a definite period terminated with the expiry of its period, it may be renewed by express agreement between its two parties for one or more other periods. If the original and renewed periods of the contract exceed five years, the worker may terminate it according to the provisions of arƟcle (104) of the present Law. There isn’t maximum period limit. There isn’t limit to sign new labor fixed period contract. 5. What are the rules for terminating indefinite-term contracts: notice periods, reasons, necessity to justify, termination procedure, consultations, is it obligatory to provide a reason for termination depending on the type of contract, special procedures before court proceedings? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 110: Subject to the provision of arƟcle (198) of the present Law and the provisions of the following arƟcles, if the labor contract is for an indefinite period, each of its two parties may terminate it on condition of notifying the other part in writing before such termination. The employer may not terminate this contract except within the limits of the provisions prescribed in arƟcle (69) of the present Law, or in case the worker's inefficiency is established according to the provisions of the endorsed regulations. The worker, in terminating the contract, shall base himself on a legitimate and adequate cause related to his health, social, or economic conditions. In all cases, the termination shall be observed to take place at a time commensurate with the work conditions. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 111: The notification shall be given two months before terminating the contract if the worker's uninterrupted period of service with the employer does not exceed ten years, and three months before the contract termination if that period exceeds ten years. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 11
The labor contract shall remain existing throughout the notification period and its parties shall execute all the obligations resulting from it. The contract shall terminate with the expiry of that period. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 115: No agreement on exemption from the notification condition or reduction of its period shall be reached. However, agreement may be reached on increasing that period. The employer may exempt the worker from observing the whole or part of the notification period in case the contract is terminated by the worker. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 116: If the contract termination is notified by the employer, the worker shall have the right to absent himself a full day per week or eight hours during the week, to look for another work, and remain entitled to his wage for that day or the hours of absence. The worker may determine the day or hours of absence, conditional upon notifying that to the employer at least on the day preceding his absence. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 117: The employer may exempt the worker from his work during the notification period and count his service period as uninterrupted until the termination of the notification period, along with the results occurring particularly the worker's entitlement to his wage for the notification period. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 118: If the employer terminates the labor contract without notification or before the end of the notification period, he shall pay to the worker an amount equivalent to his wage for that period or the part remaining of it. In this case, the said period or part remaining of it shall be counted within the worker's service period, and the employer shall continue to bear the burdens and obligations ensuing therefrom. However, if the contract termination is made by the worker, the contract shall terminate from the time he quits the work. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 119: The worker's resignation shall not be reckoned with until it is submitted in writing. A resigning worker may withdraw his resignation, in writing, within a week from the date the employer notifies the worker of accepting the resignation. In this case, the resignation shall be considered as null and inexistent. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 120: The following reasons shall not be considered as legitimate and adequate justifications for termination: (A) Color, sex, social status, family obligations, pregnancy, religion, or political view. (B) The worker's affiliation to a union organization, or his participation in a union activity within the context of the limits set by the laws. (C) Exercising the quality of workers' representative, fanner exercise of that quality, or seeking to represent the workers. (D) Submitting a complaint, filing an action against the employer, or joining in that, in protest against violating the laws, regulations, or labour contracts. (E) Laying garnishment with the employer on the worker's dues.
(F) The worker's use of his rights to the leaves. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 121: The worker may terminate the contract if the employer defaults on any of substantial obligations ensuing from the Law, the individual or collective labor contract, or the articles of association of the establishment, or if the employer or his representative commits a hostile act against the worker or a member of his family. Terminating the contract, in these cases, shall be tantamount to terminating it by the employer without lawful justification. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 70: If an individual dispute arises concerning the application of provisions of the present law, each of the worker and the employer m request the concerned administraƟve quarter within seven days from 1 date of the dispute settling the dispute amicably, If such settlement is n reached within a period of ten days at most from the date of submiƫng 1 request, each of them may resort to the judicial commiƩee referred to in arƟcle (71) of the present Law within a period of forty-five days at most from the date of dispute, otherwise he shall forfeit his right to submitting the matter to the committee. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 71: Committees with judicial powers shall be formed by decree of minister of Justice in agreement with the concerned authorities, as follows: Two judges, of whom the senior judge shall be chairman of committee according to the rules prescribed by virtue of the Judicial, Authority Law; The concerned director of the Manpower and Emigration Directorate or his assigned delegate; A member of the Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions; and A member of the concerned Employers Organization. Each committee shall exclusively be concerned with deciding the individual disputes arising from the application of the provisions of the present law. The committee shall decide the dispute submitted to it within sixty days from the date of submitting the dispute thereto. The committee shall decide the request for discharging the worker within fifteen days from the date of the first session, and its decision shall be final. If it refuses the request it shall obligate the employer to return the worker to his work and pay him the entitlements that were not paid to him. If the employer does not execute the committee's decision to return the worker at his work, it shall be considered an arbitrary discharge necessitaƟng to compensate the worker according to arƟcle (122) of the present law. The committee shall, in the merits, decide for provisional compensation if the worker requests doing that. The committee's decision in this case shall be self-executed forthwith, even if an appeal is requested. The amounts the worker has received in implementation of the committee's decision for suspending execution shall be deducted from the amount of compensation that may be ruled for him, or from any other amounts owing to him with the employer. If the request for discharging the worker is because of his unionist activity, the committee shall rule returning him to his work, unless the employer establishes that the request for discharging the worker has not been due to his unionist activity. For any dispute in respect of which no special text is prescribed in the provisions of the Procedure and Evidence Laws in civil and commercial matters shall be followed
According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 72: The committee's decision shall be issued with the majority of views and shall be substantiated. It shall be tantamount to a ruling passed by the Court of First Instance. This shall all be after setting the executive wording to it by the clerk’s office of the concerned Court of First Instance The decision issued by the committee may be challenged before the concerned Court of Appeal according to the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Procedure Law. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 124: The labor contract terminates with the worker's total incapacity perform his work, whatever tile cause of that incapacity. If his incapacity is partial, the work relation shall not terminate with that incapacity until no other work "that the worker can perform satisfactorily is established to, be available with the employer. The existence or non-existence of that other work shall be established according to the provisions of the Social Insurance Law. If it is established' that there exist that other work, the employer shall transfer the worker to that work upon the worker's request and without prejudice to the provisions of the Social Insurance Law. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 127: The employer shall not terminate the labor contract due to the worker's sickness, unless the worker has exhausted his sick leaves as determined by the Social Insurance Law, in addition to his frozen annual leaves due to him. The employer shall notify the worker of his wish to terminate the contract before the lapse of fifteen years from the date the worker has exhausted his leaves. If the worker recovers before the notification is made, the employer shall be disallowed to terminate the contract due to the worker's sickness. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 128: A female worker may terminate the labor contract, whether concluded for a definite or an indefinite period, because of her marriage, pregnancy or child-bearing, without affecting her rights as prescribed according to the provisions of the present Law or the Social Insurance Law provisions. The female worker desiring to terminate the contract for the reasons prescribed in the previous clause shall notify the employer in writing of her wish within three months from the date of contracting the marriage, her established pregnancy, or the date of childbirth, according to each case. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 129: The employer may terminate the labor contract, even if it is for a definite period, or concluded for accomplishing a specific work, if the worker is finally sentenced to a criminal or custodial penalty in an offense involving moral turpitude, or breach of honor, honesty or public morals, unless the court rules for staying the execution of the penalty.
6. What are obligatory damages and their amount (please indicate in points) e.x. severance pay? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 122: If either party to the contract terminates it without legitimate and adequate justification, he shall compensate the other party for the harm occasioned to him in consequence of such termination. If such unjustified termination is by the employer, the worker shall have the right to resort to the committee referred to in arƟcle (71) of the present Law requesƟng compensaƟon. Such compensaƟon as shall be determined by the committee shall not be less than the wage of two months of the comprehensive wage for each of the years of service. This shall not prejudice the worker's right to the rest of his legally prescribed dues. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 73: If by his error and on the occasion of his work, the worker occasions the loss or damage of equipment, machines, materials, or products owned by the employer, or kept in the worker's care, he shall pay the value of the lost or damaged object. The employer, after carrying out the investigation and notifying the worker, may begin deducting the said amount from the worker's wage providing the amount deducted for that purpose shall not exceed the wage of five days in the same month. The worker may complain against the esƟmaƟon made by the employer, before the commiƩee referred to in arƟcle (71) of the present law, and according to the periods and procedures prescribed therein. If the committee does not rule in favor of the employer for the amount estimated by him for the damage, or if it rules for a lesser amount, the employer shall refund the amount he deducted without legitimate right within seven days from the date of issuing the committee's decision. The employer shall not collect his dues by deduction from the wage according to the provision of the present article, if the employer's total dues amount to the worker's wage for two months. 7. What are the working time standards and rules regarding overtime work? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 80: Subject to the provisions of Law No. 133 of the year 1961 regulaƟng the employment of workers at industrial establishments, the worker shall not be employed in actual Labor for more than eight hours a day, or fort) eight hours a week, not including the appropriated meal and rest hours. The maximum working hours may be reduced by decree of the concerned minister for certain Labor categories, or in certain industries or works to be determined by him. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 81: The working hours shall include one or more break periods, totaling not less than one hour, for meals and rest. In determining this period, care shall be observed that the worker shall not be made to stay at work more than five continuous hours. The concerned minister may issue a decree determining the cases or works in which the work shall - for technical reasons or operating conditions - unavoidably continue without a break period. He may also determine the hard or exhausting works during which the worker shall be granted break periods which shall be counted as actual working hours. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 82: The working hours and break periods shall be reorganized so that the period between the start and the end of working hours shall not be more than ten hours a day. The break period shall be counted as attendance hours if, the worker stays during it at the place of work. Workers hired in works intermittent by nature, as determined by a decree of the concerned minister, shall be excepted from that provision, such that the period of their stay at the place of work shall not exceed twelve hours a day. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 83: The work shall be reorganized at the establishment so that each worker shall have a weekly period of rest of not less than twenty-four complete hours after at most six continuous working days. In all cases, the weekly period of rest shall be reckoned as a paid time. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 84: In exception to the provision of the previous article, in areas lying away from urbanization centers, and at works which by nature or due to the conditions of labor therein, require running the work without interruption, the weekly times of rest entitled to the worker on a period not exceeding eight weeks may be added together, and the work organization and sanctions regulation shall determine the rules for obtaining the weekly days of rest as added together. The establishments where less than ten workers are employed shall set the rules regulating the weekly days of rest as added together in them, according to the decisions to be issued by the establishment. In computing the account for the period of the weekly days of rest as added together, it shall be observed that the period begins from the hour of the workers' arrival at the nearest site where means of transport are provided and ends at the hour of their return to it. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 85: The employer may not restrict himself by the provisions prescribed in arƟcles (80, 81, 82, 83, and 84) of the present Law, if running the work continuously is for copying with unusual work exigencies or exceptional conditions, providing in these cases the concerned administrative quarter shall be notified with the justifications for overtime operation of work and the period required for completing the work, along with obtaining a written approval from it. In this case, the worker shall in addition to his original wage be entitled to a wage for the overtime hours as shall be agreed upon in the individual or collective labor contract, providing such wage shall not be less than the wage the worker is enƟtled to plus (35%) for the day working hours, and (70%) for the night working hours. If using the worker takes place on his day of rest, the worker shall be entitled to the equivalent of his wage for that day, and the employer shall grant him another day in lieu of that day of rest during the following week. In all cases, the actual working hours shall not exceed ten hours per day.
8. What are the rules of covering the expenses of business travel? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 78: The employer shall transport the worker from the quarter at which the contract is signed with him to the place of work, and shall return him to the said quarter within three days from the date the work contract is terminated for any of the reasons indicated in the law, unless the worker refuses in writing to return during the said period. If the employer fails to do that, the concerned administrative quarter shall - if the worker resorts to it at the end of the said period - return him at its expense, to the quarter where the contract was signed with him, and may then recover the expenses spent by it, through administrative attachment. 9. What are the employer's obligations - registration as an employer, registration of employment contracts, reporting an employee for insurance, the amount of contributions, who is charged with the cost of contributions, what declarations? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 32: The employer shall draw up a labor contract in Arabic writing, in three copies, of which one copy shall be kept by the employer, one copy to be delivered to the worker, and the third copy shall be deposited with the concerned social insurance office. The contract shall in particular comprise the following data: (A) Name of the employer and the address of the place of work. (B) The worker's name, qualifications, and profession or craft, his social insurance number and home address, and all that is necessary for his identification. (C) Nature and kind of work subject of the contract. (D) The wage agreed upon, and the method and time of its payment, as well as the rest of benefits in cash and in kind as agreed upon. If no written contract exists, the worker may alone establish his rights by all methods of evidence. The employer shall deliver to the worker a receipt for the papers and certificates he has deposited with the employer. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 33: The period of probation shall be determined in the Labor court and the worker shall not be appointed under probation for a period exceeding three months; nor shall he be appointed under probation for more than with the same employer. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 77: The employer shall establish a file for each worker in which he shall particularly indicate his name, profession, and skill level on joining the work, his home address, his social status, the date of starting his service, his wage, a statement of the developments made in his case, the sanctions imposed on him, an indication of the leaves he obtained, the date of his end of service and its reasons. He shall keep in the file the investigation records and the reports of his chiefs on his work as prescribed in the statute of the establishment, and any other papers connected with the worker's service. Only those that are legally authorized to review these data shall have access to them. The employer shall maintain the worker's file for at least one year starting from the date the work relation is terminated. According to Egyptian Social insurance Law: The employer is obligated to submit a monthly declaration of the workers and their salaries to the Egyptian social insurance authority as the following: A monthly social insurance contribuƟon of 21% of the workers' salary must be paid. the employer is obligated to pay 12%, and the worker is obligated to pay 9%. Payment at the end of every calendar month. 10. Principles of withholding income tax on the employee's remuneration: in Egypt or in Poland, if the employee is a resident of Egypt, does the employer pay advance payments for the employee's income tax, in what amount, where - what authority, what is the amount of the advance payment? Answer: According to EgypƟan income taxes for natural persons law No 91 /2005: All amounts of income due as a result of working for others, with or without a contract, on a regular or non-periodic basis, and whatever the names, forms or reasons for these dues, and whether they are for work performed in Egypt or abroad, and paid for from a source in Egypt, including wages and bonuses Incentives, commissions, grants, additional wages, allowances, shares and shares in profits, cash and inkind benefits of all kinds. All of it must pay tax as income taxes for natural persons as the following: The natural person must pay different tax percentage for every part of his yearly total salary as the following table:
11. The rules for granting leaves and their duration, is there an obligation to pay compensation in the case of not taking the leave at the end of the employment relationship, during what period is the employee obliged to take the leave, can the leave be granted in parts, if so in what? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 47: The period of the annual leave shall be 21 days with full pay for those spending one complete year in the service. The leave shall be increased to thirty days once the worker spends ten years in service with one or more employers. The leave shall be for a period of thirty days per year for those over the age of fifty years. The holidays, the official occasions days off, and the weekly days off shall not be counted as part of the leave days. If the worker's service is less than one year, he shall be entitled to a leave in proportion to the period he has spent in work, providing he has spent six months in the service of the employer In all cases the period of the annual leave shall be increased by seven days for the workers engaged in hard, dangerous, and unwholesome works, or in the remote areas to be determined by virtue of a decree of the concerned minister after consulting the view of the concerned quarters. Subject to the provision of clause2 of arƟcle (48) of the present law, the worker shall not give up his leave. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 48: The employer shall determine the dates of the annual leave according to work exigencies and conditions. He shall not interrupt the leave except for strong reasons necessitated by work interest. The worker shall go on leave on the date and for the period determined by the employer. If the worker refuses in writing to go on leave he shall forfeit his right to collecting their equivalent in wage terms. In all cases, the worker shall obtain an annual leave of fifteen days, including at least six continuous days, and the employer shall settle the balance of leaves or the wage computed against that balance at most every three years. If the work relationship expires before the worker exhausts the balance of his annual leave, he shall be entitled to the wage computed against that balance. The leave may not be divided, joined, or postponed with regard to the juveniles. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 49: The worker shall have the right to determine the date of his annual leave if he is sitting for the exam in any of the educational stages, providing he shall notify the employer at least fifteen days before he goes on leave. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 50: The employer shall have to deprive the worker from his wage for the leave period, or retrieve the wage he has paid for it, if it is established that the worker has worked during the leave with another employer, without prejudice to the disciplinary sanction. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 51: The worker may abstain from work for a casual reason for a period not exceeding six days during the year, with a maximum limit of two days each time. The casual leave shall be counted as part of the annual leave determined for the worker. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 52: The worker shall have the right to a leave with full pay on the holidays to be determined by a decree of the concerned minister, with a maximum limit of thirteen days per year. The employer may require the worker to aƩend to work on thC5C days if so necessitated by work condiƟons. In this case, the worker shall be en6tIed, in addiƟon to his wage for that day, to double that wage According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 53: The worker spending five continuous years in the service of the employer shall have the right to a leave of one month with full pay for performing the religious pilgrimage duty, or visiting Jerusalem. That leave shall be granted only once throughout his service period.
According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 54: The worker whose sickness is established shall have the right to a sick leave to be determined by the concerned medical quarter. During that period, he shall be entitled to a compensation for the wage as shall be determined by the Social Insurance Law. The worker whose sickness is established, in industrial installations to which are applicable the provisions of arƟcles (1) and (8) of Law No. 21 for the year 1958 on reorganization and encouragement of industry, shall have the right to a sick leave every three years in service, on the basis of one month with full pay, then eight months with a wage equivalent to (75%) of his salary, then three months without pay, in case the concerned medical quarter decides the likelihood of his recovery. The worker may benefit from his frozen annual leaves, besides the sick leave to which he is entitled. He may also request transferring the sick leave into an annual leave if he has a balance allowing for doing so. 12. Working hours, are there compulsory breaks at work, and if so, what? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 81: The working hours shall include one or more break periods, totaling not less than one hour, for meals and rest. In determining this period, care shall be observed that the worker shall not be made to stay at work more than five continuous hours. The concerned minister may issue a decree determining the cases or works in which the work shall - for technical reasons or operating conditions - unavoidably continue without a break period. He may also determine the hard or exhausting works during which the worker shall be granted break periods which shall be counted as actual working hours. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 82: The working hours and break periods shall be reorganized so that the period between the start and the end of working hours shall not be more than ten hours a day. The break period shall be counted as attendance hours if, the worker stays during it at the place of work. Workers hired in works intermittent by nature, as determined by a decree of the concerned minister, shall be excepted from that provision, such that the period of their stay at the place of work shall not exceed twelve hours a day. 13. Does the employer have to cover the employee's health insurance expenses or not and what is the estimated amount of the insurance costs if the insurance is obligatory? Answer: According to EgypƟan Social insurance law No 79/1975: The health insurance expenses (4% workers' salary) is part of the monthly social insurance contribution of 21% of the workers' salary.
14. Is the employer obliged to refer the employee to a medical examination, and if so, in what cases? Is health and safety training obligatory? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 216: Subject to the provisions of the Social Insurance Law, the establishment and its branches shall carry out the following: (A) Medically examining the worker before joining the work to ascertain his safety and health fitness pursuant to the type of work to be assigned to him. (B) Examining his abilities, to ascertain the worker's fitness from the point of view of his physical, mental and psychological abilities to ensure his fitness to work demands. These examinations shall be carried out according to the health insurance regulating provisions. The concerned minister, in agreement with the Minister of Health, shall issue a decree determining the levels of fitness and health safety, as well as the mental and psychological abilities on the basis of which these examinations are carried out. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 217: The establishment and its branches shall undertake the following: (A) Training the worker on sound bases for the performance of his vocation. (B) Informing the worker, before exercising his work, of the risks of his vocation, and compelling him to use the means of protection determined therefor, along with providing the proper personal protection tools and training him in using them. The establishment shall not charge any costs to the worker or deduct any amounts from his wage against providing the means of protection necessary for him. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 218: The worker shall use the protection means and articles, undertake to maintain with care all that is kept of them with him, and to implement the instructions issued for the maintenance of his health and for his protection from work accidents. He shall not commit any act intended to prevent implementing the instructions, or abuse, change, or cause any damage or harm to the means placed for the safety and protection of the workers employed with him, without prejudice to what is imposed' by any other law in this respect. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 82: The establishment and its branches shall undertake the following Procedures: (A) Carry out the daily periodical inspection on the places of work in each shift, especially the dangerous ones, in order to discover the vocational risks and work on protection therefrom. (B) The doctor of the establishment (if any) shall examine the sickness complaint of the worker and know its connection with the type of work. (C) Coordinate with the Health Insurance Authority for carrying out the periodical medical examination for all workers of the establishment, to continuously maintain their health fitness and safety, discover the vocational diseases appearing in their first stages, and carry out the medical examination at the end of service. This shall all be according to the health insurance systems prescribed in this respect. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 220: The establishment shall provide the first aid means for its workers. If the number of the establishment's workers in the same place, or the same town, or in a circle with a radius of fifteen kilometers exceeds fifty workers, the establishment shall employ one or more qualified male nurses for nursing or first aid services in each shift of work at the establishment, charge a doctor to visit them at the place provided by the establishment for that purpose, and give them the medicines necessary for treatment free of charge. If the worker in the two cases prescribed in the two previous clauses, is treated at a governmental or charity hospital, the establishment shall pay to the hospital management the costs of the patient's medical treatment, medicines, and stay at the hospital. In determining the costs of treatment, medicines, and stay at the hospital, as prescribed in the previous clauses, the methods and terms to be issued by decree of the concerned minister in agreement with the Minister of Health shall be followed. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 221: An employer hiring workers in remote areas in which the normal means of transportation does not reach shall undertake the responsibility of providing them with appropriate means of transportation. An employer hiring workers in areas lying away from urbanization shall provide them with suitable food and proper dwellings along with appropriating some of these dwellings for the married workers. The concerned minister, in agreement with the concerned ministers, the General Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions, and the employer’s organizations shall issue the necessary decrees for determining the areas lying away from urbanization, and the conditions and specifications of the dwellings, and defining the kinds of food, the quantities to be offered thereof to each worker. and the amounts to be paid by the employer for them. With regard to the food meals prescribed in the previous clause, a system approved by the management of the establishment and its workers or their representatives may be applied providing it shall be endorsed by the concerned administrative authority, and the system shall not comprise substituting these meals wholly or partially in return for any monetary payment. 15. Indication of potential risks for the employer when hiring an employee under local law (in points). The most essential. Answer: The Egyptian labor law is compatible with the rules of the International Labor Organization, and there are no exceptional provisions that may pose unexpected risks. It is only a set of rules that must be followed according to what has been clarified in this report. May be there are some exceptions for the women as the following: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 91:
A female worker having spent ten months in the service of employer or more shall have the right to a maternity leave of ninety days with a compensation equal to her comprehensive wage, comprising period before delivery and after parturition, providing she shall submit a medical certificate indicating the date on which delivery most likely took place. A female worker shall not be required to work during the forty-five days following childbirth. The maternity leave shall not be entitled more than twice throughout the female worker's period of service. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 92: The employer shall be prohibited to discharge the female worker or terminate her service during the maternity leave indicated in the previous article. The employer may deprive her from the compensation for her comprehensive wage on the leave period, or recover the amount paid by him to her if it is proved that she has worked during the leave with another employer. This shall all be without prejudice to the disciplinary impeachment. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 93: A female worker nursing her child shall - in addition to the determined rest period - have the right during the twenty-four month following the date of childbirth to two other periods for breast-feeding each of not less than a half hour. The female worker shall also have the right to add the two periods together. These two additional periods shall be counted as working hours, and shall not result in any wage reduction. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 94: Subject to the provision of the second clause of arƟcle (72) of the Child Law as promulgated by Law No. 12 of the year 1996, a female worker in the establishment where fifty workers or more are employed shall have the right to obtain a leave without pay for a period not exceeding two years, to care for her child. This leave shall not be entitled more than twice throughout her service period. 16. If the employer is a branch, is it required to issue internal regulations, eg. employee handbook, etc.? (2 employees). Answer: According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003: The employer has right to use the general labour internal regulations which issue by the Egyptian labour Minister decree, also the employer has right to issue his company labour internal regulations. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No ٥٨: The employer shall set the statute regulating the work and disciplinary sanctions, and indicating the rules on regulation of work and the disciplinary sanctions, duly endorsed by the concerned administrative authority. This authority shall consult the view of the trade union organization to which are attached the workers of the establishment before endorsing the statute. If the administrative authority does not endorse or object to the statute within thirty days from the date of its submission, it shall then be considered as valid and enforced. The concerned minister may issue a decree indicating the model systems
of the statutes and sanctions to be consulted by the employers. The employer, in case of employing ten or more workers, shall put up this statute in a prominent place. 17. What are the key legal acts regulating the issues of labour law? Answer: According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No 70: If an individual dispute arises concerning the application of provisions of the present law, each of the worker and the employer m request the concerned administrative quarter within seven days from 1 date of the dispute settling the dispute amicably, If such settlement is n reached within a period of ten days at most from the date of submiƫng 1 request, each of them may resort to the judicial commiƩee referred to in arƟcle (71) of the present Law within a period of forty-five days at most from the date of dispute, otherwise he shall forfeit his right to submitting the matter to the committee. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 71: Committees with judicial powers shall be formed by decree of minister of Justice in agreement with the concerned authorities, as follows: Two judges, of whom the senior judge shall be chairman of committee according to the rules prescribed by virtue of the Judicial, Authority Law; The concerned director of the Manpower and Emigration Directorate or his assigned delegate; A member of the Federation of Egyptian Trade Unions; and A member of the concerned Employers Organization. Each committee shall exclusively be concerned with deciding the individual disputes arising from the application of the provisions of the present law. The committee shall decide the dispute submitted to it within sixty days from the date of submitting the dispute thereto. The committee shall decide the request for discharging the worker within fifteen days from the date of the first session, and its decision shall be final. If it refuses the request it shall obligate the employer to return the worker to his work and pay him the entitlements that were not paid to him. If the employer does not execute the committee's decision to return the worker at his work, it shall be considered an arbitrary discharge necessitaƟng to compensate the worker according to arƟcle (122) of the present law. The committee shall, in the merits, decide for provisional compensation if the worker requests doing that. The committee's decision in this case shall be self-executed forthwith, even if an appeal is requested. The amounts the worker has received in implementation of the committee's decision for suspending execution shall be deducted from the amount of compensation that may be ruled for him, or from any other amounts owing to him with the employer. If the request for discharging the worker is because of his unionist activity, the committee shall rule returning him to his work, unless the employer establishes that the request for discharging the worker has not been due to his unionist activity. For any dispute in respect of which no special text is prescribed in the provisions of the Procedure and Evidence Laws in civil and commercial matters shall be followed. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 72:
The committee's decision shall be issued with the majority of views and shall be substantiated. It shall be tantamount to a ruling passed by the Court of First Instance. This shall all be after setting the executive wording to it by the clerk’s office of the concerned Court of First Instance The decision issued by the committee may be challenged before the concerned Court of Appeal according to the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Procedure Law. According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 73: If by his error and on the occasion of his work, the worker occasions the loss or damage of equipment, machines, materials, or products owned by the employer, or kept in the worker's care, he shall pay the value of the lost or damaged object. The employer, after carrying out the investigation and notifying the worker, may begin deducting the said amount from the worker's wage providing the amount deducted for that purpose shall not exceed the wage of five days in the same month. The worker may complain against the esƟmaƟon made by the employer, before the commiƩee referred to in arƟcle (71) of the present law, and according to the periods and procedures prescribed therein. If the committee does not rule in favor of the employer for the amount estimated by him for the damage, or if it rules for a lesser amount, the employer shall refund the amount he deducted without legitimate right within seven days from the date of issuing the committee's decision. The employer shall not collect his dues by deduction from the wage according to the provision of the present article, if the employer's total dues amount to the worker's wage for two months. According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No ٥٩: The act for which the worker may be impeached disciplinarily shall conditionally be related to the work. The sanctions statute shall determine the violations and sanctions prescribed there for, as provided in arƟcle (60) of the present law, in a way realizing the commensurability of sancƟons with the violaƟons. No disciplinary sanction may be imposed on the worker after the lapse of more than thirty days from the date of completing the investigation in the violation. According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No ٦٠: The disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed on the worker according to the statutes regulating the work and disciplinary sanctions in each establishment shall be as follows: 1-Waming; 2-Deduction from the wage; 3-Deferring the due date of the annual increment for a period not exceeding three months; 4- Depriving from part of the annual increment not exceeding its half; 5-Postponing the promotion on its accrual for a period not exceeding one year; 6-Reducing the wage by at most the amount of one increment; 7-Demoting to a position in the lower grade directly, without prejudice to the wage he used to receive; and 8-Discharging from the service according to the provisions of the present law 18. What documents regulate the matters of personal data protection? Answer: According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No 32:
The employer shall draw up a labor contract in Arabic writing, in three copies, of which one copy shall be kept by the employer, one copy to be delivered to the worker, and the third copy shall be deposited with the concerned social insurance office. The contract shall in particular comprise the following data: (A) Name of the employer and the address of the place of work. (B) The worker's name, qualifications, and profession or craft, his social insurance number and home address, and all that is necessary for his identification. (C) Nature and kind of work subject of the contract. (D) The wage agreed upon, and the method and time of its payment, as well as the rest of benefits in cash and in kind as agreed upon. If no written contract exists, the worker may alone establish his rights by all methods of evidence. The employer shall deliver to the worker a receipt for the papers and certificates he has deposited with the employer. According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No 77: The employer shall establish a file for each worker in which he shall particularly indicate his name, profession, and skill level on joining the work, his home address, his social status, the date of starting his service, his wage, a statement of the developments made in his case, the sanctions imposed on him, an indication of the leaves he obtained, the date of his end of service and its reasons. He shall keep in the file the investigation records and the reports of his chiefs on his work as prescribed in the statute of the establishment, and any other papers connected with the worker's service. Only those that are legally authorized to review these data shall have access to them. The employer shall maintain the worker's file for at least one year starting from the date the work relation is terminated. According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No 56: The worker shall: (A) perform by himself the duties assigned to him, with accuracy and honesty as determined in the law, the Labor regulations, and the individual and collective Labor contracts, accomplish them at the determined time, and exert the care of a familiar person in fulfilling his duties; (B) Carry out the employer's orders and instructions concerning the execution of the duties lying within the context of the work assigned to him, if nothing exists in these orders and instructions contradicting the contract, and violating the Law, the regulations, or public morals, and in their implementation nothing will expose to danger; (C) Observe the times of work and follow the procedures determined in case of absence from work or contravention of its duty hours; (D) Maintain the tools, equipment, documents or any other objects delivered to him by the employer, do all necessary works for keeping them in sound condition, and exert in doing so the care of a familiar person; (E) Well treat the employer's customers; (F) Respect his chiefs and colleagues at work, and cooperate with them toward realizing the best interests of the establishment at which he works; (G) Maintain the prestige and dignity of business, and behave as befits the work;
(H) Observe the systems set for maintaining the safety and security establishment; (I) maintain the secrets of work, and divulge no information connected with the work once it is treated and reckoned as confidential by nature or according to the written instructions issued by the employ (J) Notify the place of work with the true data connected with his I address, his social status, his military service situation and the I data required by the Laws and systems to be recorded in his proper register, as well as all variation introduced in any of the foregoing at the dates determined for that; and (K) Follow the systems set by the employer for enhancing and develop his skills and experiences, professionally and culturally, or qualifying him to carry out a work in keeping with the technical development the establishment jointly with the concerned trade union organization. According to EgypƟan Labor Law No 12/2003, ArƟcle No 57: The worker shall be prohibited to do by himself, or through at party, the following works: (A) Keep for him self the original copy of any paper or document concerning the work; (B) Work for a third party whether with or without pay, if in carrying that work, the good performance of his work will be affected adversely, or such work does not agree with the dignity of his work it will enable or assist the third party in recognizing the secrets of establishment or competing with the employer; (C) Exercise an activity similar to that being exercised by the employer during the validity period of his contract, or participate in an activity that sort, whether in his quality as partner or worker; (D) Borrow from the customers of the employer or those exercising activity similar to that being exercised by the employer. TJ prohibition shall not apply to borrowing from banks; (E) Accept gifts, compensations, commissions, amounts or other objects in any quality whatsoever on the occasion of performing his duties, without the consent of the employer; and (F) Collect moneys or donations, distribute pamphlets, solicit signatures, or organize meetings within the place of work without the consent of the employer, subject to the provisions prescribed in the Laws reorganizing the trade unions. 19. Rules for concluding probationary contracts? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 33: The period of probation shall be determined in the Labor court and the worker shall not be appointed under probation for a period exceeding three months; nor shall he be appointed under probation for more than with the same employer. 20. Does the law provide for the obligation to pay additional monthly or annual remuneration, e.g. 13/14 of the salary? Answer:
The National Salaries Council is concerned with setting a minimum periodic annual additional salary of at least 7% of the basic salary on which social insurance contributions are calculated. 21. Is unused annual leave in a given calendar year carried over to the following year? Answer: According to Egyptian Labor Law No 12/2003, Article No 48: The employer shall determine the dates of the annual leave according to work exigencies and conditions. He shall not interrupt the leave except for strong reasons necessitated by work interest. The worker shall go on leave on the date and for the period determined by the employer. If the worker refuses in writing to go on leave he shall forfeit his right to collecting their equivalent in wage terms. In all cases, the worker shall obtain an annual leave of fifteen days, including at least six continuous days, and the employer shall settle the balance of leaves or the wage computed against that balance at most every three years. If the work relationship expires before the worker exhausts the balance of his annual leave, he shall be entitled to the wage computed against that balance. The leave may not be divided, joined, or postponed with regard to the juveniles. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Looking forward to listen from you. Kind regards, Yours Truly, Dr. Ahmed Said Founder & Managing Partner Legal Crises Consultant Law Firm
Enforcement of foreign Arbitration Awards in Egypt
Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in Egypt The purpose of this thesis is to answer many questions coming to foreign investor's mind regarding a ...
Enforcement of foreign Arbitration Awards in Egypt
Enforcement of Arbitration Awards in Egypt The purpose of this thesis is to answer many questions coming to foreign investor's mind regarding arbitration rules in Egypt, especially enforcement of arbitration awards in Egypt. Introduction On April 21, 1994, Law No. 27 of 1994 was issued in the Arab Republic of Egypt, the law regulating the arbitration rules in Egypt. I would like to confirm that the Egyptian Arbitration Law contains plenty of rules in compliant with the provisions of the adopted Arbitration Rules of UNCITRAL. Moreover, some of Egyptian Arbitration Rules are drawn verbatim from UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The questions and answers are as follows: Q. 1: Do Egyptian legal rules allow arbitration in lieu of domestic jurisdiction? A: Yes, a domestic and foreign investor is entitled to set out in its contracts a condition that requires resort to arbitration in case of any dispute over the contract. In addition, it is also entitled to sign the Arbitration Agreement after the dispute arising over the contract. Q. 2: Is it possible to choose a foreign law to be the substantive law that adjudicate disputes arising from the application of the contract? A: Yes, parties of the contract are entitled to choose a foreign law to be the substantive law to adjudicate disputes arising over the contract. Q. 3: Is it possible to choose a foreign law to be a law governing Arbitration Proceedings? A: Yes, parties of the contract are entitled to choose a foreign law or international organization rules to be the rules governing the arbitration Proceedings (i.e. choosing Uncitral Rules, ICC Rules in Paris, CRCICA Rules or the Rules of Egyptian Arbitration Law) to be the rules governing arbitration Proceedings. Q. 4: Is it possible to choose a foreign language for Arbitration? A: Yes, any domestic or foreign language could be chosen as the language of Arbitration. Q 5: Is it possible to choose an Arbitrator with a foreign nationality to adjudicate a dispute over a contract in Egypt? A: Yes, it is possible to choose an arbitrator with a foreign nationality to adjudicate a dispute over a contract in Egypt. Q. 6: Is it possible to resort to a foreign arbitration center to adjudicate a dispute in Egypt? A: Yes, parties of the contract may choose to resort to any foreign or domestic arbitration center. Furthermore, they have the full freedom to choose arbitrators as well as the arbitration center (i.e. ICSID, ICC or CRCICA). In addition, parties of the contract are entitled to choose the arbitral tribunal or a single arbitrator not belonging to any center. Q. 7: Is it possible to hold arbitration sessions outside Egypt? A: Yes, the parties of the contract are entitled to choose the seat of the arbitration sessions outside Egypt. Q. 8: Is it possible to enforce a foreign arbitration award in Egypt? A: Yes, the Egyptian Law allows the enforcement of foreign arbitration awards in Egypt, whether the arbitration award is issued by a foreign arbitration center or by a foreign arbitral tribunal. Q. 9: Is it possible to appeal against the foreign arbitration award before the Egyptian judiciary to prevent its enforcement in Egypt? A: The Egyptian law prohibits the appeal against the subject of the arbitration award, but only allows for reviewing the following points: 1. The validity of arbitration proceedings together with its conformity with the arbitration condition set out in the contract. 2. Notifying the Parties to arbitration with session schedule and their attendance. 3. The ability of the Parties to arbitration to submit their defenses and documents. 4. The arbitration award does not violate the Legal Rules in Egypt. In conclusion, the Egyptian law contains modern rules that allow the development of international trade and reassure the foreign and local investors of the possibility to access to their rights as soon as possible, whether by resorting to the local judiciary or by choosing arbitration as a way to access to its right, whether this arbitration is inside or outside Egypt, or even by a wholly foreign arbitral tribunal. For further questions in this regard or any other legal matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Said
Assumenda repud eum veniam
on empowering developing countries, as Egypt and all African Countries , to brought its members to work hard in the promotion of a more legal and trustworthy trade environment for foreign and local investors.
How i am qualified?. Dependent on my knowledge to explain the problem and cooperate with stakeholders to find solutions to go through the right way to create the chance for more Development, Moreover My work would help in creating new jobs for local people which would help the government to increase GDP.
From 2005 I am active member in the construction of an efficient, although still evolving, Egyptian legislative framework around SMEs, IPRs, consumer rights and all market development issues.
Our Mission is explaining the legal rules to SMEs, the foreign embassies in Egypt and foreign investors in the country. During the past fifteen years many steps have been done to develop the legislation in Egypt and I have helped cooperating with the Government promoting the new Economic Laws, through producing free monthly legal reports to all the foreign Embassies in Egypt.
Including the new rules in: trade laws, consumer rights law, IP law, importing rules and investment rules. I have also been writing memos to the Government to improve the legislation on the base of local and genuine needs of consumers and SMESs. Moreover I have a long lasting experience in promoting The New Economic Laws on Social Media, Famous National Egyptian Newspaper and TV shows. With more than Ten years of activity in conference and social media content production on the matter. Proof of My campaign activities in the field of Economic Laws and international trade promotion can be found on : Youtube and Facebook